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Eva Bibas



BFA- The School of the Museum of FIne Arts at Tufts University

Born in Caracas, Venezuela, 


Eva Bibas is a Venezuelan-American interdisciplinary artist with an ancient and robust Sephardic heritage that encompasses the Iberian Peninsula, MENAT region, and South America (Venezuela/Peru/Amazonia). Her legacy is enriched as a result of multiple forced migrations, which caused her family to keep their traditions even closer. Hence, themes of intersectional identity, transformations, and spirituality are a constant thread feeding her intellectual, emotional, and artistic endeavors. Her art practice is rooted in Jewish mysticism and through various means, among them creating her own mediums, she explores the relationship between physicality and spirituality, attempting to make sense of deeper layers of reality.  
During her undergraduate studies, Eva was selected for opportunities that have supported her research-based artistic practice, such as the Dean’s Research Awards, Tufts Summer-Scholars Program, and Susan J Feigenbaum Memorial Prize in Judaic Studies. In 2021, her undertakings were featured in a Tufts Now profile. Her work has been displayed in important juried shows including exhibitions at the Dalí, Perez, and Rubell Museums, and she also has works in private collections. Through her art Eva hopes to highlight potent mystical concepts from her tradition, sharing this transformative knowledge with her audience.

/Exhibitions, Awards & Speaking Engagements


May 2017- present- Greenspoon Marder’s Art Collection

Twenty one artworks part of the Greenspoon Marder’s Art Collection; on permanent display at their Professional Law Offices in Phoenix, New York, Las Vegas, Miami Beach, Boca Raton and Dallas


November 2016- Present- Maxicon’s Art Collection

Three artworks part of Maxicon’s Art Collection; on permanent display at their Professional Office and Showroom in Florida


2023-2024- Morris E. Curiel Sefardi Museum of Caracas, Venezuela 

Jewish Calendar

Artwork juried into


March 2024- Coral Gables, Fl

Jewish Art Exhibition

Artwork juried into


September 2023- Morris E. Curiel Sefardi Museum of Caracas, Venezuela

Annual Show

Artwork juried into


September 2022- May 2023- Artist Fellowship at AISH 


October 2022- 2022 Jumbo Magazine

Fall 2022 Issue, 26.


August 2022, 2022 Jumbo Magazine

Summer 2022 Issue, 5.


May 2022- Anderson Gallery | SMFA, Boston, MA

Senior Thesis Exhibition: If you draw a line, it could be the ground


May 2022 Selected as a featured art/design graduate for the Creatively Class of 2022


2021-2022 Selected for Senior Thesis Program- year-long research/writing/artmaking focused on dialogue between peers/ art professionals


2021 Featured on a Tufts Now profile with a video and an article 2021 Tufts Summer Scholars Program- Funded to work with faculty mentor for self-directed arts-research


Spring 2022- Joseph and Sara Stone Prize in Judaic Studies Prize recipient


2021-2022 IArts Fellowship Exhibition, Tisch Library, Tufts University, Boston, MA


August 2021- Panelist/Speaker: Gender, Identity,  and Creative Expression -Tufts Summer Scholars' Program

Presented progress of my independent research


Summer 2021- Tufts Summer Scholars Program

Independent research opportunity with the support of Tufts faculty and staff


Spring 2021- Susan J Feigenbaum Memorial Prize in Judaic Studies recipient


Spring 2021- Drawing and Painting Annual Show, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA


October 2020- Artist Talk with Saya Woolfalk, MFA, Yale Professor, interviewer, Tufts Art Galleries/SMFA at Tufts University, Boston, MA. 


Spring 2020-  Drawing and Painting Annual Show, School of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA


Fall 2019- SMFA at Tufts Dean’s Research Award

Recipient of a Dean’s Grant to work on extraordinary artistic projects


November 19-December 5, 2019- School of the Museum of Fine Arts

Technology in Creative + Critical Practice

A show featuring students from the class Seminar in Art + Technology


November 19-December 5, 2019- School of the Museum of Fine Arts

Altered Landscape: Field Notes and Observations

A show featuring students from the class Altered Landscapes


November 2019- Fresh Start, an apartment show featuring young artists, Boston, MA


April 2019- School of the Museum of Fine Arts

SMFA Print and Paper Area Show

Artwork juried into


March 9-April 30, 2019- RSM Art Gallery- Boston, Massachusetts


Artwork juried into


February 2019- School of the Museum of Fine Arts

SMFA Painting and Drawing Department Show

Artwork juried into


December 2018- School of the Museum of Fine Arts

Synthesis: 3D Foundations End of Semester Show


2018- The Miami Herald Silver Knight Honorable Mention Award

Regarded as one of the nation’s most highly student awards programs


January 2018 - Rubell Family Collection-Art Museum

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 

Gold Key in Sculpture


January 2018 - Rubell Family Collection-Art Museum

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 

Digital Art -Honorable Mention


July 2017-School of the Art Institute of Chicago Pre College Program

Merit Award Recipient


May 2017- Elie Wiesel Foundation Prize in Ethics Essay Contest. Fourth place winner of Miami Dade County and recipient of scholarship

by Superintendent of Schools Alberto Carvalho. Miami Beach, Florida


May 2017- Coral Reef Senior High School

Pallet Version III Exhibition

Three Artworks Juried into


May 2017-2018- Congresswoman Iliana Ros-Lehtinen’s office

The 2017 Congressional Art Competition

Third place winner


April 2017- The Bakehouse Art Complex

The Annual Countywide Student Art Show 

Three artworks juried into


January-March 2017-MIA Concourse E Gallery -Miami International Airport

STEAM Arts Fusion Contest

Two digital art pieces juried into


January 2017 - Rubell Family Collection-Art Museum

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 

Digital Art -Honorable Mention.


January 2017- Wizo Florida Designer for Tehilim Book Project

Created artworks to be featured as prayer books covers to be distributed to donors who help the organization fulfill its mission of providing for the welfare of infants, children, youth, women and the elderly in Israel.


July-September 2016- The Dali Museum. St. Petersburg, Florida

Student Surrealist Art Exhibition-Between Dream and Reality


March 2016- Ringling College of Art and Design/ Pre-College 

Fund 4 Design and Art Education Award Recipient


March 2016- The Women's Club of Coconut Grove

 Young Artists' Gallery Awards and Exhibition


February 2016- Recipient of The President’s Volunteer Service Award


January 2016 - Rubell Family Collection-Art Museum

The Scholastic Art & Writing Awards 

Printmaking -Honorable Mention.


May 2015- Cover Design of the 2014-2015 yearbook

International Studies Preparatory Academy 


July 2015- Savannah College of Art and Design Summer Seminars 

Recipient of a Bronze SCAD Competitive Scholarship


May - August 2015- Greenspoon Marder Foundation’s Community

Arts Partnership (CAP) Exhibition Space, Ft Lauderdale, FL

Selected as a Juried Artist (11 pieces) for philanthropic partnership

that raises awareness and funds for foundations that use the arts

to better the lives of the disabled and disadvantaged in our communities.

Foundations include the Dan Marino Foundation, Arts Reach, Young At Art Museum, and many more.


May 2015- Coral Gables Museum

33rd Annual Museum & Art Technology Education Programs Student Showcase.

Recepient of the Joan Meisel-Gaffney Memorial Award


May 2015-Bakehouse Art Complex

The Annual Countywide Student Art Show


January 2015-Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami

The Beaux Arts 14th Annual Student Artists Showcase

in conjunction with the 64th Annual Beaux Arts Festival of Arts


July-September 2014- The Dali Museum. St. Petersburg, Florida

Student Surrealist Art Exhibition-Change is Strange

Award of Excellence


May 2014- Dave and Mary Alper JCC

“Smartist” Annual Art Show

Numerous art  pieces selected for the exhibition and the invitation


April –May 2014- Deering Estate at Cutler

Youth Arts Day Exhibit


May 2014- Rubell Family Collection

32nd Annual Museum Education Program Exhibition


April, 2014- School Board Auditorium

Celebrating Haitian Culture Exhibition


April 2014- Ocean Bank Exhibition

The Ocean Bank 21st Annual Art Exhibition


April 2014- Pinecrest Gardens

The Taste of the Tropics Exhibition

Award of Excellence


March 2014-Coral Gables Museum

Dade Heritage Trust- 2014  Student and Teacher Art and Photography Competition Exhibit


March 2014- Miami-Dade County Youth Fair

The 62nd Annual Miami Dade County Annual Fair and Exposition

Awarded 1st  Place -Photography Department


March-April 2014- School Board Auditorium

Women’s History Month Exhibition

Award of Excellence


January – February 2014- Miami Dade College, North Campus

60th Annual South Florida Regional Science, Technology and Engineering Fair

Award of Excellence and Outstanding Performance/Silver Medal


January – Feb 2014 -Perez Art Museum Miami

The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards– photography piece juried into

Gold Key Award


January – Feb 2014- Perez Art Museum Miami

The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards– Digital art  piece juried into

Silver Key Award


January -March 2014- School Board Auditorium

Third Youth Art Month Exhibition (YAM)


Januarty 2014-Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami

The Beaux Arts 13th Annual Student Artists Showcase

in conjunction with the 63rd Annual Beaux Arts Festival of Arts


November-December 2013- Dave and Mary Alper JCC

28th Annual Impressions in Watercolor Exhibition

Artwork selected for the Exhibition Invitation Design.

Honorable Mention Award


2013-2014- MIA Airport Concourse E

Street Art: Painting the Town


October-November 2013- Pinecrest Gardens

This is MY Art World: Doodles and More


October 2013- Pinecrest Gardens

IncrEDIBLE gardens: The Art of Collaged Organic Imagery


September-October 2013- School Board Auditorium

The Hispanic Heritage Exhibition


July-September 2013- Coral Gables Museum

Capture Coral Gables 2013 Photography Contest and Exhibition

1st Place Winner: Teen Architecture Category


2013 FAEA K-12 Student Art Assessment and Virtual Exhibition

Two pieces juried into with Awards of Excellence

Online Gallery at 

From 1 minute 50 seconds – to 2 minutes and 10 seconds


May 2013- Datran Center

“Smartist” Annual Art Show

Numerous art  pieces selected for the exhibition and the invitation


April-September 2013- School Board Auditorium

Celebrating Haitian Culture Exhibition


May 2013

Blue Ribbon Month-Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Poster Contest

Certificate of Outstanding Participation


April –May 2013- Deering Estate at Cutler

Youth Arts Day Exhibit


April, 2013- Pinecrest Gardens

The Taste of the Tropics Exhibition

Award of Excellence


March 2013- Ocean Bank

The Ocean Bank 20th Annual Art Exhibition


March 2013- Coral Gables Museum

Dade Heritage Trust: Student and Teacher Art and Photography Competition Exhibit


March-Aprill 2013- School Board Auditorium

Women’s History Month Exhibition

Award of Excellence


March 2013- The 61st Annual Miami Dade County Annual Fair and Exposition

Awarded 2nd  Place -Photography Department


January-February 2013- School Board Auditorium

The Black History Month Exhibition

Award of Excellence


January 2013- Miami Dade College, North Campus

59th Annual South Florida Regional Science, Technology and Engineering Fair

Broadcom Masters Nomination Winner

Award of Excellence and Outstanding Performance/ Silver Medal


January – February 2013- Miami Art Museum

The Scholastic Art and Writing Awards- 3D artwork piece juried into

Honorable Mention Award, for Excellence in Visual Arts


January 2013- Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens

The Fairchild Challenge, Art Epiphytes in Sight: Close-Up Drawing

Special Merit Award for “Best Artistic Innovation”


November, 2012- Fairchild Tropical Botanic Gardens

The Fairchild Challenge.- Fashion Show Botanical Fashions-Futuristic Fashion

Special Merit Award: “Best Use of Recycled Materials”


March–April 2013- School Board Auditorium

Third Youth Art Month Exhibition (YAM)

M-DCPS First Place Winner, representing MDCPS at the State Competition


November 2012 –Jan.2013-School Board Administration Building

Superintendent’s Holiday Card Design Competition

Special merit design


October 2012- February 2013-MIA Airport Concourse E

The Flower Power: In Living Color Exhibit

Award of Excellence


October 2012- School Board Auditorium

The Superintendent’s Showcase


September-October2012-School Board Auditorium

The Hispanic Heritage Exhibition

Artwork juried into


May 2012- Datran Center

“Smartist” Annual Art Show

Numerous art pieces selected for the exhibition and the invitation


May 2012- Bakehouse Art Complex

The Annual Countywide Student Art Show

MDCPS Award of Distinction


April 2012- Paterson’s Harley Davidson

34th Birthday Bash Exhibition at Peterson’s Harley-Davidson


March 2012- The 60st Miami Dade County Annual Fair and Exposition

2nd Place -Photography and 3rd Place -Fine Arts


March 2012- School Board Auditorium

Second Youth Art Month Exhibition (YAM)

Award of Excellence


February 2012- A1 Miami Int’l University of Art & Design

Small Works II

Award of Excellence


January 2012- Miami Dade College, North Campus

58th Annual South Florida Regional Science, Technology and Engineering Fair

Winner of NOAA’S 2012 - Taking the Pulse of the Planet Award.

Honorable Mention Award


January 2012- Lowe Art Museum, University of Miami

The Beaux Arts 11th Annual Student Artists Showcase in

conjunction with the 61st Annual Beaux Arts Festival of Arts

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