/Artist Statment
Symbols from the Bread of the Seven Heavens, Jewish mysticism, and the letters of the Hebrew alphabet, seen by kabbalists as Divinity’s building blocks of Creation, rest at the center of my work. Such mythology and the stories that celebrate it have shaped the awareness of my family’s culture as part of an exiled people. Through traditional and innovative techniques, I generate materials with meaningful connections to my family history, integrating paintings, photographs, sculptures, performances, installations, and my environment. Among them, I produce traditional and sculptural paint mixtures with sand, calcium carbonate, and rubber. Through primal lines and shapes, derived from symbols from the Bread, and the interstitial shapes formed by the juxtaposition of the Hebrew letters, I seek to capture the ineffable nature of our universe. By incorporating such imagery, I draw upon sacred forces, partaking thereby in the process of Creation. My overlapping of textures in diverse media evokes history, land, and time, and unites diverse overlays (whether detectable or subliminal) gesturing toward the mystical. My art delves into the spiritual belief that our physical world is in constant communication and even unified with supernal worlds. People, nature, and everything in the material sphere which appear to be separate and different from each other, are really all one at the level of the soul. My work intends to show the great impact that our actions have on others, and their potential to bring healing, blessings, and Divine energies into this world.